Micro-Lesson #2


Lesson Plan and Reflection

2nd Grade Opinion Writing PowerPoint

Padlet (We Do)

Graphic Organizer 

Writing Checklist


  1. Hi Alana!

    Your lesson was such a great, simple way to teach Opinion Writing! I really like how you assessed prior knowledge, I always feel inclined to remind them what an opinion and a fact is, but that defeats the purpose of assessing and activating that prior knowledge! So nice work! It was a great way to do that and to also get the kids moving!

    I also like how you had the kids raise their hands every time they heard a reason why red is the best during the read-aloud, I've done this technique with weekly sight words and weekly spelling words and it's another great way to keep them focused, listening, and involved.

    Your peer editing checklist was so cute! I loved your use of padlet, I can never think of a reason to have the kids use it, but it doesn't have to be an extraordinary padlet experience. Yours was a great way for students to work with a partner and demonstrate reading comprehension by typing the three reasons that supports the author's opinion!

    As always, this was an awesome lesson! Great work! It was all so cute and so efficient in the objective!

  2. Hi Alana!

    I enjoyed your micro lesson! It was extremely organized and clean it is! It was easy to read through. I appreciate the amount of detail that you put into your lesson. The powerpoint that you created is amazing! I appreciate the amount of detail that you put into it, and it will be extremely engaging piece when teaching your lesson. I really liked the graphic organizer and writing checklist that you used for your lesson! Great job!

  3. Hey Alana,
    I really enjoyed your opinion lesson. I like how interactive it is; kids love moving around classrooms. I like how you use Padlet, especially since you see little technology use in lower-grade classrooms. I like you giving them a guide (writing checklist) to work on their assignment. Great job!


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