ISTE Standards for Educators: A Comprehensive Reflection Script
Alana Campos: Phase III Script (ETC-447) Link
Title: Comprehensive Final | |
Title: Introduction
| Introduction Narrator (Slide 1): Hello, I’m Alana, and I will review the ISTE Standards for Educators and reflect on how they are integrated into my teaching. Narrator (Slide 2–Picture 1): The first assignment in this course was to develop a philosophy of education to reflect on what we strive to accomplish in our future classrooms. The quote by Rita Pierson that states, “Every child deserves a champion-an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be” explains my goal as an educator. Through my experiences at Northern Arizona University, I want to build a positive classroom environment where students are excited to learn. This includes collaborative conversations, where their ideas are valued, and students build a deeper understanding of the content. Through this course, I learned the importance of integrating technology effectively into the classroom to engage students and teach them technological skills to apply to their futures. Narrator (Slide 2–Picture 2): My philosophy of education also aligns with student learning styles that will guide my instruction and understanding of the strategies in which they learn best. An example includes a portfolio-based assessment online for students to access throughout their academic careers and track their progress. As a future educator, it is my role to continuously learn new strategies to help students and be an educator that inspires students in the classroom to be successful. |
Title: Learner
| Learner Narrator: The first standard, learner, describes the importance of educators finding beneficial technological resources to enhance student learning. Before integrating a resource into the classroom, the educator must evaluate it to see if it aligns with the learning objective and is student-friendly for all students. In education, we constantly learn from other teachers and professional development to reflect on our teaching and improve to help our students. Narrator: In connection with the course assignments, I have learned various skills to integrate technology. The blog developed throughout the semester drew the connection of integrating this standard with a class website or blog for students and parents to access throughout the school year. In previous practicum courses, the teachers used Google Classroom for students to access resources at home and notes if students needed additional practice. Narrator: This semester in practicum, I observed a secondary special education classroom with students with mild to moderate disabilities. The mentor teacher often used YouTube videos to transition as a sign for students to prepare for the next activity. He also used Smart Notebook, which allowed students to come to the board to answer the questions and have visual representations to understand the content. The resources presented in practicum taught me how to integrate technology for students to follow along and communicate their responses. As a future teacher, professional development and webinars will play a critical role in identifying new strategies and resources I can use in the classroom. |
Title: Leader
| Leader Narrator: The leader represents modeling resources for colleagues and students while building an inclusive environment where every student can access the resources. As a leader, educators must reflect on their practice and scaffold instruction for every student to have equitable opportunities. Narrator: In previous practicum classrooms, many schools had Chromebooks for students and assistive technology. Although this may not be available for all schools, it is important, as a future educator, to advocate for technology in the classroom. For example, in a fifth-grade practicum classroom, many students did not have technology access at home, so their homework was mostly handouts, but in class, their assignments were turned in through Google Classroom. As the leader in the classroom, formative assessments through resources such as Quizizz, Quizlet Live, and Plickers can guide the educator in assessing student understanding and use it to reteach or address misconceptions. Narrator: Throughout this semester, I also had the opportunity to view my peers' blogs and see the creative ideas they integrated into their lessons. Through the assistance of peers, I learned how to embed PowerPoints into my blog and apply these tips to future references. Feedback from peers, instructors, and mentor teachers guided me in adjusting my instruction for the next time I teach a lesson, and online tools to keep in my teacher toolkit. |
Title: Citizen
| Citizen Narrator: Teachers are mentors to their students and it is important to educate them on being responsible and respectful on the internet. When integrating an online resource such as Padlet, Jamboard, and Google Classroom, teachers need to model and set expectations for students to build positive relationships with each other. Narrator: One goal, as a future educator, is to ensure students build positive relationships with learning and apply the strategies learned in class to their everyday lives. The assignment about global digital citizenship allowed me to understand the different roles of addressing situations that may occur online and teaching students to be safe online. The example I provided in my global digital citizenship assignment explained how students should be aware of who they are friends with on their social media accounts. The internet can be a dangerous place for students, and they must be aware and responsible on the internet. Narrator: Standard three also discusses aligning material with student interest for engagement and collaboration. One example from a previous practicum lesson was about the solar system, where I provided a link to Google Classroom about an interactive solar system. By providing an engaging hands-on model, students were interested and began asking questions to build a deeper understanding of the material. My college experience has been mostly through Zoom, and technology is progressively changing; I’ve had opportunities to connect with peers through blogs or discussion posts to communicate projects and provide feedback on assignments. |
Title: Collaborator
| Collaborator Narrator: There are many aspects where educators must cooperate with their grade-level team to develop a curriculum map and how they plan to teach the material. Standard four addresses building real-world connections through content and using technology as a resource to engage with communities. Narrator: A specific example of collaboration I observed during practicum was during an IEP meeting. IEP teams must collaborate to establish goals and discuss to help the student be successful. As this program is a dual certification, I will be able to use my knowledge and strategies to ensure families feel comfortable in the IEP meeting and that everyone has a valuable role in what is best for the student. Another example where students will collaborate in my future classroom is during peer editing, where students will follow a checklist as they read each other's writing pieces before writing a final draft. Collaboration is essential in the classroom for students to learn social skills and establish relationships with their classmates to build a community of learners. Narrator: Lastly, throughout this program, I have collaborated with peers, mentor teachers, and professors, whether it was asking questions or feedback to be the best educator I can be. As explained earlier, this standard addresses collaboration with students and parents, such as using Google Classroom or emailing parents about student progress. In my philosophy of education, I mentioned collaborative classroom conversations, which allow students to use real-life skills to be respectful and descriptive in their explanations. |
Title: Designer
| Designer Narrator: This ISTE standard focuses on creating lessons that attain higher-order thinking and accommodating all learners present in the classroom for active engagement and self-regulated learning. Narrator: When designing my micro-lessons, it was essential to acknowledge students’ prior knowledge and integrate Bloom’s Taxonomy through guided practice to apply in their independent practice. In my first micro-lesson about rounding whole numbers, I provided online resources with base-ten blocks for students to connect prior knowledge when representing the place value of two numbers. Technology allows students to have visual and explorative learning when learning new content, which can lead students to become more independent in their learning to identify strategies that work best for them. Narrator: In this semester’s practicum, I designed PowerPoints and response cards for the students in the classroom because visuals helped guide their responses. I worked with students in a secondary special education classroom, where many students were non-verbal, so they used pointing, thumbs up/down, yes/no, and assistive technology. Three students used a communication device, which helped them explain their thoughts and responses. Working one-on-one and scaffolded instruction allowed students to follow along and participate in alignment with their IEP goals. Narrator: In my future classroom, it is essential to have tools for all students to have an opportunity to share their thoughts and design lessons that allow students to become independent learners. I plan to design small group lessons to help students work on weaknesses and feel confident in their learning. For example, centers during ELA where each group works on material covered from the current week. I have observed centers in a second-grade classroom, and students would listen to a read-aloud or practice phonological awareness on Epic! or SplashLearn as the teacher worked at the bean table with a group of students. Overall, there are many resources to guide student learning, and as educators, we need to ensure it assists a student with their goals. |
Title: Facilitator
| Facilitator Narrator: As the facilitator in the classroom, the classroom environment plays a significant part in students understanding that mistakes are okay. When students embrace their mistakes, it can result in a growth mindset and belief in themselves through the learning process. The standard initiates the role of using technology to guide students in setting goals for their learning progress. Narrator: In the classroom, online resources can reflect student learning and guide the educator’s instruction. In my second micro-lesson, I implemented a Padlet for students to reflect on the read-aloud with a partner. The resource is a reference when they develop their opinion piece. When guiding discussions, the educator asks higher-order questions for students to use critical thinking skills to analyze a solution to the prompt. Narrator: My goal in my future classroom is for students to have a responsibility in their learning. When the educator models resources to students, it enables them to be creative when applying their background knowledge to a project or assignment. Resources such as checklists, one-on-one discussions, and group work can help students motivation and be able to expand on their ideas rather than viewing correct or incorrect answers. |
Title: Analyst
| Analyst Narrator: The last standard, analyst, explains how educators use technology to reflect on instruction and use a variety of methods for students to show proficiency. Narrator: An example of this standard is providing a choice board for students after teaching a unit. Choice boards align with student learning and freedom to reflect on the concept. As an educator, feedback is a factor in directing student learning and guiding their understanding. Tools such as exit tickets on Google Forms or Formative are resourceful in modifying instruction or reviewing material students need more assistance on. Narrator: Before entering this program, I assumed all summative tests had to be paper and pencil, as that is how it was when I was in school. Through my experiences at NAU, I learned that tools such as Socratic seminars or presentations are authentic assessments with rubrics to guide the direction and allow students to build real-world connections. Part of being an educator is setting students up for success, which means knowing the students in your classroom and using data to integrate active learning. |
Title: Conclusion
| Conclusion Narrator: The seven standards are vital to ensure I provide the strategies and tools for student learning. Through this course and previous courses, I feel confident in applying the methods to my future classroom and using technology to engage learners in being responsible global digital citizens. Thank you. |
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