Micro Lesson #1 (3rd Grade Rounding)
The micro lesson provides students with strategies on rounding and its importance to real-world applications. From previous experiences, I have observed students struggling with place value, affecting students' understanding of rounding as they are closely related. Throughout the lesson, students use manipulatives and collaborative opportunities to evaluate rounding to the nearest 10s and 100s place. It is essential to provide opportunities that align with the different learning styles in the classroom, along with exploration learning, for students to develop a deeper understanding. The lesson plan aligns with the Arizona Mathematics Standards and grade level curriculum as it provides hands-on learning experiences and higher-order levels of thinking that allow students to build on prior knowledge of place value and use the strategies to concepts such as fractions and decimals.
Grade Level: 3rd
Subject(s): Mathematics
Topic of Study: Rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Time Allotment: 30 minutes (Small group lesson with two students)
3.NBT.A.1: Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
The student will be able to identify the place value of whole numbers to round to the nearest 10 or 100.
I do: I will start the lesson by presenting a base ten block website (https://www.didax.com/apps/base-ten-blocks/) with two problems (56 and 113). Students will work with a partner on a laptop to represent the two numbers. After two to three minutes, I will introduce the concept of rounding to students by asking, “What is rounding? How do we use it in our lives?” Possible responses can be with money/taxes, getting an estimate, or when doing mental calculations. I will then present the PowerPoint that discusses the rule of rounding and use the two examples from the warm-up to model rounding. I will present an open number line (https://www.didax.com/apps/number-line/) and a place value method to provide a variety of options for students to understand. Then ask students, “Which ten is 56 closer to, 50 or 60? How do you know?” The next example will be, “Which 100 is closer to 113 (100 or 200)? How do you know?”
We do: I will present four examples students have not seen yet. The students will work silently for two minutes on their whiteboards and turn to their partners to discuss their solutions for one to two minutes. After students have discussed, they will show their work using one of the methods and reasoning on the computer.
If this was taught in a whole class, I would choose four different students to come to the smartboard to show their work, but for this lesson, each student will show their work for two problems.
You do: I will pass out an exit ticket consisting of asking students to self-assess how they feel about this concept and six rounds to the nearest 10 and 100’s problems. Each problem will have a number line or place value method to show their work. Students will turn in their exit tickets to me when completed (in a whole class setting, students would turn in their exit tickets to the basket).
Technology Integration:
The teacher will ask students to show their work for the warm-up on https://www.didax.com/apps/base-ten-blocks/ to review place value before introducing rounding. The teacher will also present the computer screen to the two students (if this was in a whole-class setting, the teacher would show the PowerPoint on the projector and have students interact with the activities) and ask the students to use the open number line (https://www.didax.com/apps/number-line/) or place value method to show their work. Students will also be a scratch piece of paper for guided practice, using one of the methods, to explain their reasoning for the four examples presented in the lesson.
Differentiated Instruction: Describe how you will differentiate the instruction for each of the following:
Cognitive delay: Students have opportunities during “I do and We do” instruction to discuss their ideas with a peer. Students will also have a printed-off number line and base ten block manipulatives to have a hands-on learning experience if needed. During the exit ticket, students can sit at the bean table and orally explain their work rather than writing it.
Gifted: Students can work on a worksheet that rounds to the 10’s, 100s, and 1000’s place.
ELL: Students can use the hands-on manipulatives during the lesson. Throughout the lesson, the teacher provides visuals and has students collaborate with their peers. If the student is having difficulty during independent work, they can sit at the bean table with the teacher and explain their solution instead of writing, if needed.
Procedure: The formative assessment the teacher created, Micro Lesson #1 Exit Ticket, is an exit ticket for students to self-assess and use one of the methods to demonstrate their understanding. Students will complete the exit ticket at the end of the lesson independently to guide the teacher in addressing misconceptions or if students need additional practice before moving on to the next concept. In a whole group classroom lesson, the summative assessment would be given after teaching the entirety such as rounding the 10s, 100s, and 1000s places.
Instruments: There is only one correct answer for each question, as this is a formative assessment, the teacher will be checking to see how students self-assessed themselves and if the content needs to be reviewed again.
Materials and Resources
In this section include any examples you have created for the students, resources (software, web links, books, crafting items, etc.), and other necessary items.
Whiteboard marker
Hi Miss Alana! Your micro lesson was wonderful. I loved the powerpoint and the warm up! I also liked how you included a lot of discussion among the students and the self-assessment as the exit ticket. I didn't think of the self-assessment, but I have seen it in a few of my practicum courses and think it is super cute! Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi Alana! I really liked the PowerPoint you created, it is really useful! Your lesson is really well planned and thought out with keeping your students needs in mind. I also enjoyed reading your reflection as I went through your lesson, great job!